How actions are decided...
Hume did well to question man's acutal usage of its faculties of reason and rationality. It appears that Hume thoroughly demonstrates that man justifies his beliefs based on the facts of his past experiences and not on any mode of rationality. He does this through an analysis of cause, effect and correlation. My question is, if man does not effectively use its faculty of reason/rationality (that many believe a Creator[God] endowed man as a way to distinguish him from the animals), do we even have these faculties; or is there something else that man possesses that allows us to think critically, as a distinguishing feature separating man from animal? Furthermore, if this contention holds, does it follow that the question of nature v. nurture is completely banal in the analysis of behavior, knowledge, personality and the like? Does Hume's critique of human rationality allow us to deny reasoning as God-given? I think so.... If we don't even use it, why not move past that question and search for answers to the questions of intellectualism as an evolutionary technique in order to eliminate unnecessary religious distractions. Far too long has mankind been distracted into using imagination and mental activity's power to justifying the un-, super-, non-natural and how it affects man. It is time to focus on the Earth, world, universe as nature-at-hand, as what must be understood. Wittgenstein was thoroughly amused and impressed by people who take stake in the trans-substantiation of Jesus as crackers and wine. He was impressed by the amount of imagination it must take to actually believe in such absurd notions of nature and reality. My hope for mankind is to take such prolific use of mental power and activity of imagination and apply it to salvaging the environment, salvaging the mind, once the Earth is rid of distracting religions.
Religion has done well to kill and destroy opposing views and opinions in the name of equality. It is time to kill and destroy religion in the name of inequality. Religion has done well to segregate/partition mankind and humanity by the effect of intolerance, indignation and disgust.
It is time to integrate humanity and the ideas of all men by the effect of tolerance, acceptance and understanding. Each man and woman must practice intolerance only when faced with intolerance. Intolerance for the disgustingly intolerant.
Am I intolerant? I seem to be preaching it, but do I even know given the proper circumstance? I suppose I become intolerant when my life feels threatened. So it really does not matter the heritage of the person threatening me, if they threaten myself, my family, my serious friends, my community, and my people, I become intolerant of them. Not because they happen to be a certain ethnicity, but becuase they are assaulting me and putting my life in danger; it (I become intolerant of the threatener) is becuase they feel they have the right to interfere with my livelihood, my family's livelihood, my freind's, colleague's, nation's livelihood, and are simultaneously stripping me of my right to privacy, possession and ownership